You can get an elevated view from the High Line, an abandoned freight line turned into a public space, and walk south toward the Chelsea neighborhood and check out its many galleries, many of which can be found between 19th and 27th streets between 10th and 11th Avenues. The best way to appreciate the city is by walking it, so take some time for a stroll before the next pit stop. history, with photographs of past marches from the 1960s to now. Another exhibition, “Say It Loud, Out and Proud: Fifty Years of Pride,” is a march through significant moments in L.G.B.T. The full collection of the Lesbian Herstory Archives is housed in Park Slope and can be visited in person or virtually. “Stonewall 50” is the overarching theme for several exhibitions at the New-York Historical Society, among them “By the Force of Our Presence: Highlights from the Lesbian Herstory Archives,” a collection of photographs, books, posters, clothes and other mementos that seeks to prevent the erasure from history of the many contributions made by lesbians and queer women.